How long does it usually take to translate my document?
Answer: most of our customers will receive their translation within 24 hours, but we maintain a safety net of 48 hours as an average promised delivery time. If your document contains more than 5 pages to translate, it may take more time. The time assessment will be explained to you after we look at the documents.
If your document is a word count based document, then  we may give you a time estimate for delivery, based on the average production capacity of our translators and editors, and the time frame promised will be strictly observed.
Are all pages created equal?
Answer: No. There are pages which contain a denser word volume that others. The industry usually refers to a page as containing 250 words. If you submit, for example, 1 page which has 300 words, we still will handle it as a one page. If a page has any number of words below 250, it is still considered to be a page. That said, remember that personal documents can´t be handled under simple word count, like, for example, contracts or court ruling etc. Personal documents have a certain formatting structure that greatly affects the complexity of the work. We shall not copy the document formatting to make it equal with the original, this may be done by a graphic artist and is not the job or skill of a translator, but we try to provide the most reasonable structure similarity, that will make it easy for the government official to verify the data it presents. 
When is the time count starting?
Answer: the clock will start running at the moment a payment is made.
What happens if you do not deliver on time, as promised?
Answer: if we promise a time frame for the completion of the translation, and don´t deliver on time, you are entitled to a refund of your payment. No arguments. No excuses on our end.
Who requires the translated documents?
Answer: when dealing with personal documents, they usually go to the USCIS, which stands for US Citizens and Immigration Services. This body belongs to the US government and is the one that processes Green Cards, various visa applications and adjustment of immigration status.
Other personal documents may be targeted for educational institutions. These are mainly transcripts of study records.
Other documents may be of legal, business or medicals matters and used by you the customer, for the purpose you deem necessary.
So what are the requirements of the USCIS?
Answer: 1. That the translated documents must be accompanied by an affidavit from the translator , attesting that the translation is accurate and faithfully reflects the original. 2. The translator must certify that he or she are qualified to make the translation based on their knowledge of both the language of origin and English. 3. The certification document must contain the translator´s name (initials only), and the date the translation was made, as part of the more comprehensive certification by the agency.. 
Should the translation be notarized?
Answer: No. There is no such requirement, and whoever presents to you that such a requirement exists, is simply lying to you in order to charge a few dollars more. The only instance, and there is one, when a document is notarized, is when the receiving institute wants to make sure that the translators who signed the translated document is indeed the person whose name is shown. A notary will not attest to the veracity of a document, since he or she are not translators and most likely do not speak or read the language of origin.
Do you translate documents that hold more than one page?
Answer: Yes we do. The number of pages to be translated may affect the time frame in which we promise to deliver.
Do you guarantee your work?
Answer: As a professional entity we are extremely proud of what we are doing and of our team of translators. Yes, we guarantee that our translation is compliant with the requirements of the USCIS and that no document will be rejected because of translation issues. If your translation document will be rejected due to translation problem, we´ll refund your payment, or correct the mistake on our own expense, whatever you  prefer.
What are the most common issues you encounter and how can I as the client eliminate or reduce them?
Answer: speaking about personal documents, the most common issues are name spelling, quality of the submitted  document which requires slow deciphering process of even the complete document. Remember that if you submit to us a hand written document, please add the names in a clear manner so the translators or the editor will not leave on the errors in the translation.
If a name had been changed, will you insert in the translation the new name, as I the client provide it?
Answer: No. We will translate the document in compatibility with the original. If a name had been changed over the years, your duty is to provide the certificates of name change. We must adhere to the original since it is an official document and any unauthorized changed is against the law.
So how does it work and how do I pay?
Answer: When you have a document, of any number of pages, that you want translated. go to Docs Preparation, to learn more about how to prepare the documents for submission to us. After the docs are submitted, we shall contact you in a short while via email or phone, to let you know what the charge will be. You can then decide whether you want to pay via PayPal or a credit card (Visa, MasterCard or Amex). If you decide to pay via PayPal we´ll send you a payment request. If paying with a credit card is what you wish, we´ll do the process over the phone and confirm it while you are still with us. Your card details will not be stored. After payment is confirmed the work will start immediately, and the 48 hours count will commence